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Managed table and External table in Hive

There are two types of tables in Hive ,one is Managed table and second is external table.
the difference is , when you drop a table, if it is managed table hive deletes both data and meta data,if it is external table Hive only deletes metadata.
Now we learn few  things about these two

1. Table Creation

by default It is Managed table .
If you want to create a external table ,you will use external keyword.

for example assume you have emp.csv file under directory /data/employee

to create a managed table we use normal syntax like below

create table managedemp(col1 datatype,col2 datatype, ....) row format delimited fields terminated by 'delimiter character'
location '/data/employee'

but to create external table ,we use external keyword like below

create external table managedemp(col1 datatype,col2 datatype, ....) row format delimited fields terminated by 'delimiter character'
location '/data/employee'

2. Differentiation

How do you check wether existing table is managed or external table?

To check that we use describe command like below

describe formatted tablename;

It displays complete meta data of a will see one row called table type which will display either MANAGED_TABLE OR EXTERNAL_TABLE

for example if it is managed table ,you will see

Table Type:             MANAGED_TABLE

if it is external table ,you will see

Table Type:             EXTERNAL_TABLE

3.  Drop

As I already said If you drop a managed table both data and meta data will be deleted
if you drop an external table only  meta data is deleted ,external table is a way to protect data against accidental drop commands.

You can check this  by below process.

use describe formatted tablename command and it gives location details like below.

Location :hdfs://namnodeip:portno/data/employee

after dropping the table if you use 
hadoop fs -ls hdfs://namnodeip:portno/data/employee command
you should get no such file or directory exits in case of managed table.
or you should get contents of that directory in case of external table.

and the last line is try to use external table in your project ,once you drop it ,do not forget to remove directory if you do not need it anymore .